History of The City of Serang

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 11:47 PM

Serang is a result of the redistricting, new territory Kab Serang Banten Province. As the capital of the province, its presence is a logical consequence of the existence of Banten Province. Consists of 5 districts namely (six); Attack sub, sub, sub Walantaka, Kasemen Sub Cipocokjaya Sub and Curug, Taktakan Sub-district, Serang City has an area of 266,77 km ' with a population of approximately 523.384 inhabitants and borders. North of the Gulf of Bantery to the East, Kec. Other, Kec. Ciruas and Kec. Kragilan Kab. That attack, South of Kec. Cikeusal, Kec. Lightning and Kec. Baros Kab. Attack, as well as the West, Kec. Pabuaran, Kec. Waringin Brackets and Kec. Kramatwatu Kab. Serang. Than 6 (six) District consists of 20 Kelurahan dan46 Village. 
The city was established on November 2, 2007 on the basis of ACT No. 32 of 2007 about the formation of the town of Serang, Serang BILL was passed on 17 Juli2007 then placed in State Gazette No. 98 in 2007 and additional State Gazette Number 4748, tertanegal, August 10, 2007. Prior to this, the provincial government (provincial government) of Banten in accelerating the City Government has been Attacking materialize prepare four working groups (Pokja) that will work before he appointed Acting Mayor. Fourth pokja consists of Pokja personnel, Pokja Keuangarg Pokja Pokja Perlengkapanya and political parties.
Formation and personnel composition of each provincial government officials filled out by pokja Banten and District Government Attack. To run the wheels of Government before the elections are held, an Assistant Area (Asda) I Asmudji Bantam provincial Government was finally chosen as HW Acting Mayor. Asmudji HW was selected after Depdagri filtering three names put forward candidate Governor of Banten Ratu Atut Chosiyah. Appointed by the Minister of the Interior Asmudji in Jakarta by on 02 Nopember2007. Pursuant to Act No. 32 in 2007 about the formation of the town of Serang, Serang formation Considerations is the need for improved governance, implementation of development and implementation of public services in order to materialize the kesejahteraanmasyarakat.
On December 5, 2008 through the direct election of local heads/Deputy Mayor dilantiklah Mayor and definitive Attack. Since then up to 5 (five) years from the city ground-attack will be led by duet leadership h. Bunyamin and Tb. HaerulJaman whose vision materialize a cornerstone of the global City of Serang and insightful environment and mission to prepare the process of spatial planning, utilization and control of utilization of space, space in the city area of attack; Setting up good governance and true; Improve public infrastructure and facilities are adequate and good quality; Improve the business climate conducive to economic actors in different sectors; Improving the quality of human resources through formal and non formal education which is affordable and of good quality; 
Realization of basic medical services free for underprivileged communities; Create excellent service system (easy "cheap, fast, friendly and good quality) and Develop the values of art and culture as well as an insightful environment. tourism development This book is a portrait of a small part of the city were attacked during 2008 until 2010, which is expected to be a representation of the existence and the performance of City Government Attack selta how much City Government Attack contribute to benefit masyalakat the city of Serang. Hopefully what we always aspire to Attack Cities community better and higher quality can be realized immediately, of course with the participation of all elements of society.
Source: http://www.serangkota.go.id/


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