

South Tangerang City

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, July 3, 2012 | 3:29 AM

South Tangerang (Indonesian: Tangerang Selatan) is an independent city geographically located within Tangerang Regency, Banten province,Indonesia. It forms part of the Greater Jakarta metropolitan area. It was administratively separated from Tangerang Regency on 29 October 2008. According to the 2010 Census, its population was 1,303,569. The total area is 147.19 km.

South Tangerang is divided into seven sub-districts, namely Serpong, Serpong Utara (North Serpong), Pondok Aren, Ciputat, Ciputat Timur (East Ciputat), Pamulang, and Setu. The centre of South Tangerang is the Ciputat sub-district.

Apart from sub-districts, it also consists of 49 administrative villages (kelurahan) and five villages (desa). The sub-district with the highest number of kelurahan or desa is Pondok Aren.

Buses, minibuses and taxis are the main methods of transportation available. The public transportation mostly goes to Jakarta since many of the residents of South Tangerang commute into Jakarta. There are feeder buses for Transjakarta. The feeder buses are from Bumi Serpong Damai and Bintaro Jaya to downtown Jakarta in Senayan.

The city is also served by KRL Jabotabek for the commuters who work in Jakarta, and by intercity service from PT Kereta Api Indonesia. KRL Jabotabek is operated by subsidiary of PT Kereta Api Indonesia for the commuter line in Greater Jakarta metropolitan area.

There are two toll roads servicing the city, namely Jakarta-Serpong Toll Road and Jakarta-Tangerang Toll Road. There are also several toll roads currently under planning. The plans are for a Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road which will continue the Jakarta-Serpong toll road, and Jakarta Outer Ring Road 2 which will be connecting the city to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in the near future.

Pondok Cabe Airport – which is used for military and civil services – is the only airport located within the city boundaries. It is owned by PT Pertamina, the national oil company. The airport is also used for the maintenance base for Pelita Air Service, also owned by PT Pertamina.

Cycle rickshaws (becak) are still available in some areas in the city. Becak is the only method of transportation currently forbidden to operate in Jakarta as its slow speed has allegedly led to congestion in the traffic of Jakarta. However, since South Tangerang is located on the outskirts of Jakarta (instead of the city proper), it is allowed in the city.

Public universities
  • Universitas Terbuka
  • UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Government-affiliated colleges
  • Sekolah Tinggi Akutansi Negara
  • Geophysics and Meteorology Academy (Akademi Meteorologi dan Geofisika)
Private Universities
  • Bina Nusantara University in Alam Sutera
  • Swiss German University
  • Pamulang University (Universitas Pamulang)
  • Muhammadiyah Jakarta University (Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta)
3:29 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Tangerang City

Written By Unknown on Thursday, June 28, 2012 | 4:05 AM

Tangerang is a comune (municipality) in the province of Banten, Java, Indonesia, just to the West of the city of Jakarta, and is surrounded by the Tangerang Regency to the South, West, and East. Tangerang is the largest city in Banten Province as well as the third largest urban area after the Jabotabek in Jakarta. 
Administrative divisions
Tangerang consists of 13 districts, which are further divided over a number of 104 subdistricts. Historically the area was part of the Tangerang Regency, then upgraded his status to become an administrative city, and finally established as a municipality on 27 February 1993. The term ' municipal ' was replaced with ' city ' in 2001.
The area is a Centre for manufacturing and industry on the island of Java and have more than 1000 factories. Many international companies have factories in the city. Tangerang tends to be hot and humid, with a little forest or other geographical section. Certain areas consist of swamps, including the area around Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
In recent years, the urban expansion of Jakarta includes Tangerang, and as a result many residents who commute to Jakarta to work, or vice versa. Many satellite cities of the middle class and upper class is being and has been developed in Tangerang, complete with shopping malls, private schools and convenience centers. The Government is working on developing highway system to accommodate more traffic flow more and more to and from the area. The area formerly was part of West Java province which seceded since 2000 and became part of the province of Banten.
The area also has a number of significant Chinese communities, many of whom are of mixed Chinese Fort. They arrive as laborers by colonial Netherlands in the 18th and 19th centuries, and most of them are still laborers and farmers. Their culture is different from other Chinese communities in Tangerang: when almost none of those who speak with accents of Mandarin, they are the adherents of Taoism and maintaining places of worship and community centers. Ethnically mixed, however, they refer to themselves as Chinese. Many Chinese tomb located in Tangerang, most of which has now been developed into a sub-urban area such as Lippo Karawaci.
Chinatowns are located in the old Market Area, fortress of Makassar, Kapling Karawaci (not Lippo Karawaci), and Poris. People can find food and merchandise berkhas China. Lippo Karawaci was the location of the new settlement. Most of the inhabitants are migrants, not genuine Benteng Chinese.
The origins of the Tangerang City also known as "the Castle"
To reveal the origins of the area as the city of "Fortress", it takes note that concern the fight. According to sari by f. de Haan which is drawn from the archives of the VOC, a resolution of 1 June 1660 it was reported that the Sultan of Banten has made the country a big municipality in the West of the River, and Gladstone to fill the Interior of the new Sultan of Banten has moved 5 to 6,000 residents.
Then in the Register dated 20 December Dag 1668 reported that the Sultan of Banten has raised Patij and Radin Sina Keaij Daman as ruler in new areas. Suspicion will seize the Empire, Raden Sena Starch and Kyai Demang Stadium fired Sultan. Instead appointed Prince Dipati. The dismissal of such heartache. Ki Demang Stadium Then the next act he was pitting between Banten and VOC. but he was killed in Kademangan.
In the archive, i.e. in the VOC subsequently Dag Register dated 4 March 1980 explains that the ruler of the area at that time was Keaij Dipattij Dielaga Soera. Kyai Soeradilaga and his son Subraja ask for protection to follow 143 kompeni accompanist and his army (this information is contained in the Dag Register July 2, 1982). He and his retinue when it was given a place on the East side of the River, bordered by fences kompeni.
When fighting with Banten, he and his experts managed to beat back pasikan Bantam. The service excellence that later he was given the honorary title of Raden Aria Suryamanggala, whereas Pangerang Subraja named Kyai Dipati Soetadilaga. Next Raden Aria Soetadilaga was appointed Regent in the area include the Tangerang I between Kore and Cisadane rivers. The title he used is Aria Soetidilaga i. later with agreements signed on 17 April 1684, Tangerang, Banten became the authority did not have the kompeni's right to intervene in regulating the governance in Tangerang.  
Source: http://id.wikipedia.org
4:05 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Cilegon City

Cilegon is a town in the province of Banten, Java, Indonesia. Cilegon is located at the western end of the island of Java, at the edge of the Sunda Strait. The town was formerly part of the territory of Serang Regency, then upgraded his status to become an administrative city, and since 27 April 1999 was designated as a municipality (municipal designations were replaced with the city since 2001). Cilegon is known as an industrial city, and became a center of industry in the region of Banten to the West. Cilegon is crossed road cross country Jakarta-Merak, and crossed the railway line Jakarta-Merak. Cilegon is made up of 8 districts which are further divided over a number of wards.

By virtue of its geographical location, is located in Cilegon west extremity of Java island and lies in position: 5 ° 52 ' 24 '-6 ° 04 ' 23 "South latitude (LS), 105 ° 44 ' 05"-106 ° 09 ' 11 "East Longitude (E). Administratively the area pursuant to Act No. 15 of 1999 about the formation of the municipality of regencies Depok Regencies and municipalities in road on 27 April 1999, Cilegon have territorial boundaries as follows:
• North: borders the Subdistricts Bojonegara (Regency)
• West: bordered by the Sunda Strait
• Seblah South: bordering town in Anyer Sub-district and Mancak (Regency)
• East: bordering between Cilegon Indah & Lodge Roundabout South (Cilegon) with Sub Kramatwatu right in serdang area (Regency)
The city is the Trade Centre of the airport, the steel industry and chemistry in Java.

Cilegon has a tropical climate with an average temperature of 22 ° C to 33 ° C, maximum rainfall occurs in the month of December-February and minimum in July-September.

According to the Administration, the city has a total area of Cilegon ± 17.550 Ha is divided into 8 (eight) based on the applicable local Subdistrict (Perda) No. 15 (2002) On the establishment of 4 (four), New Town area of the city in road which was originally composed of four (4) town turned into 8 (eight) District, namely:
• Sub Cilegon
• Ciwandan District
• Sub Pulomerak
• Sub Cibeber
• Grogol Subdistrict
• Purwakarta District
• Sub Citangkil
• Jombang District

Cilegon is an area of the former Kewadenaan (Regent KDH helpers work-area Attack in road Areas), which includes 3 (three) Sub-district, Cilegon, Bojonegara and Pulomerak.
Under article 27, paragraph (4) of law No. 5 of 1974 on the subject of Government in the region, the Principal Road it already meets the requirements for molded into an administrative city. Through Regent KDH Attack letter No. 86/Sek/Bapp/VII/84 concerning the proposed establishment of administrative discretion that are Cilegon and objective then issued Government Regulation No. 40 in 1986, about the establishment of the administrative town of Cilegon with a land area of 17.550 Ha, which includes 3 (three) Sub-district region include Pulomerak, Ciwandan, Cilegon and 1 Representative district in Cilegon Cibeber, while the subdistrict Bojonegara in work areas the Regent KDH Attacking The maid Kramatwatu.

Based on PP No. 3 dated 7 February 1992 1992 about the determination of the representative District, the administrative town of Cilegon Cibeber increased to four (4) Districts namely Pulomerak, Ciwandan, Cilegon and Cibeber.
In its development the administrative town of Cilegon have shown rapid progress in various areas of good Physical, Social or fields of the economy.

This not only provides a service impact needs improvement in the areas of governance, reconstruction and development, but also gives an overview of the need for support capabilities and potential areas for regional autonomy.
With the passage of the ACT established and no. 15 in 1999 27 April 1999 regarding the establishment of the municipality of regencies Depok Regencies and municipalities Cilegon, Cilegon Administrative status of the city is transformed into a Municipality, with leadership in road duet Drs. h. Tb. Rifai Halir as Acting Mayor of Cilegon and h. Zidan Rivai as Chairman of DPRD Cilegon.

Population and Economy
In the last 15 years (1991-2005) Population Of Cilegon Grow 47,18% (out of 228.230 Inhabitants in 1991 to be 335.913 Inhabitants as of 2005). Development of a population of Cilegon in the period 2001-2005 Moving average 2.66% Per annum. With high population makes the city became the largest city to Cilegon in Banten Province. Still Quite A High Rate Of Population Growth In Cilegon Are Especially Affected By Migration Events In. ..  
Source: http://id.wikipedia.org
1:23 AM | 0 comments | Read More

History of The City of Serang

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 11:47 PM

Serang is a result of the redistricting, new territory Kab Serang Banten Province. As the capital of the province, its presence is a logical consequence of the existence of Banten Province. Consists of 5 districts namely (six); Attack sub, sub, sub Walantaka, Kasemen Sub Cipocokjaya Sub and Curug, Taktakan Sub-district, Serang City has an area of 266,77 km ' with a population of approximately 523.384 inhabitants and borders. North of the Gulf of Bantery to the East, Kec. Other, Kec. Ciruas and Kec. Kragilan Kab. That attack, South of Kec. Cikeusal, Kec. Lightning and Kec. Baros Kab. Attack, as well as the West, Kec. Pabuaran, Kec. Waringin Brackets and Kec. Kramatwatu Kab. Serang. Than 6 (six) District consists of 20 Kelurahan dan46 Village. 
The city was established on November 2, 2007 on the basis of ACT No. 32 of 2007 about the formation of the town of Serang, Serang BILL was passed on 17 Juli2007 then placed in State Gazette No. 98 in 2007 and additional State Gazette Number 4748, tertanegal, August 10, 2007. Prior to this, the provincial government (provincial government) of Banten in accelerating the City Government has been Attacking materialize prepare four working groups (Pokja) that will work before he appointed Acting Mayor. Fourth pokja consists of Pokja personnel, Pokja Keuangarg Pokja Pokja Perlengkapanya and political parties.
Formation and personnel composition of each provincial government officials filled out by pokja Banten and District Government Attack. To run the wheels of Government before the elections are held, an Assistant Area (Asda) I Asmudji Bantam provincial Government was finally chosen as HW Acting Mayor. Asmudji HW was selected after Depdagri filtering three names put forward candidate Governor of Banten Ratu Atut Chosiyah. Appointed by the Minister of the Interior Asmudji in Jakarta by on 02 Nopember2007. Pursuant to Act No. 32 in 2007 about the formation of the town of Serang, Serang formation Considerations is the need for improved governance, implementation of development and implementation of public services in order to materialize the kesejahteraanmasyarakat.
On December 5, 2008 through the direct election of local heads/Deputy Mayor dilantiklah Mayor and definitive Attack. Since then up to 5 (five) years from the city ground-attack will be led by duet leadership h. Bunyamin and Tb. HaerulJaman whose vision materialize a cornerstone of the global City of Serang and insightful environment and mission to prepare the process of spatial planning, utilization and control of utilization of space, space in the city area of attack; Setting up good governance and true; Improve public infrastructure and facilities are adequate and good quality; Improve the business climate conducive to economic actors in different sectors; Improving the quality of human resources through formal and non formal education which is affordable and of good quality; 
Realization of basic medical services free for underprivileged communities; Create excellent service system (easy "cheap, fast, friendly and good quality) and Develop the values of art and culture as well as an insightful environment. tourism development This book is a portrait of a small part of the city were attacked during 2008 until 2010, which is expected to be a representation of the existence and the performance of City Government Attack selta how much City Government Attack contribute to benefit masyalakat the city of Serang. Hopefully what we always aspire to Attack Cities community better and higher quality can be realized immediately, of course with the participation of all elements of society.
Source: http://www.serangkota.go.id/
11:47 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Malingping Beach

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 | 1:18 AM

Malingping is a district that includes in the valley district of Banten province. From Jakarta to the regions to be traversed malingping of two main lines of road, the first and second pass through the harbor to attack the queen.

Way to go to malingping is very complicated,if passed through the area of attack is generally traversed the streets without any future winding steep inclines, but if the queen of the harbor past the road that passed through the rise and the curve is steep and dangerous.
1:18 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Malingping, My Little Town

Malingping is a district in Lebak, Banten province, Indonesia. This district is the second largest district after district Rangkasbitung from all districts in Lebak.

The main income of the District Malingping is agriculture, especially coal mining and tourism, in addition to marine resources are also very abundant.
1:11 AM | 0 comments | Read More